How do I remove the paint from my windows?

Warm water, dish soap, and painter’s razor blades. Watch is video to learn how

Can the paint damage my windows?

In most cases, no. We use water soluble acrylic paint. It has no damaging effect on glass. Tinted windows are a different case though. If your windows are tinted with a film, it is safe to paint on the UN-TINTED SIDE ONLY. Please be sure to inspect your windows for tinted film before booking us to paint.

DO you follow Covid-19 safety guidelines?

Yes, all team members are fully vaccinated, and must wear a mask at all times while painting.

why is your phone number not on your website?

If i’m on the phone, I’m not painting. Our contact page has a submission form where you can enter the details about your location and needs. Once we have that information, we will contact you with paint-free hands.

How long does a painting take?

It depends. Usually between 1-4 hours. The amount of fine detail, size of location, and the need for ladders all affect the length of painting time.

can you paint my house next?

This is a common question that we hear at almost every job. Due the the unpredictable nature of homes we do not paint personal residences.